Saturday 28 January 2017

New Beginnings

A very warm welcome to Sewmiriam for 2017.  You are always welcome here. I aim to make this a place of joy, creativity and inspiration. So come visit often - you never know what you will find. In addition to new blogposts there are  lots of labels on the right hand side of the blog page for you to browse at your leisure. Consider these a treasure hunt!

To get the year started I decided to make a 12 inch finished block for Australia Day.

The block looked very lonely so I  added a border to give it a lift. I am always delighted to see a block transformed by a border.

Why stop at one border? I added a print border and it became apparent that a medallion quilt may well be in the making now - in the style of  Gwen Marston - who is known for her liberated quilt making techniques.

I dug out some lovely bright and happy solids and a few shot cottons. I made and  joined a bunch of  half square triangles to make a third border. 

Where to next - I am not sure, but it will be fun to play and see what happens. I will keep you posted.

The message here is simple - it's not about perfection, or having a clear plan, or following strict rules. Joy is to be found in just starting.  Cut a square,  make a block and keep on going ..............

We often forget that first step when we are bombarded with the perfect ' sparkly' world of quilts on  Instagram and social media.

Be authentic - how liberating it is!

Happy sewing, love Miriamx