Friday 12 June 2015

Quilt Express ( or my little pony! )

It's time to play! As you know I love making bags and teaching others . As I have been doing this, I have been thinking of ways to use the same techniques but to make quilts. It feels a bit like "build a quilt!" I have had to think like an architect and examine the building blocks of quilt making and come up with ways to reduce the steps to make quick, individual, and fun quilts.

With just a bit of fabric on hand, I have been playing around with ways to quilt as you go and so far the results have been lovely. My quilt is not finished yet, so we will all have to be patient, but the blocks are coming along nicely. I thought I would share some of them with you today, and in following posts keep you up to date with progress. If all goes well, I could then run classes to help you make your own. I am thinking of calling it  " Quilt Express." What do you think? These are the the kind of quilts that are great for modern graphic prints, feature fabrics, and make a perfect quick gift for loved ones.

Taking time to slowly piece and make a quilt is a wonderful thing, and I am all for that. But, time isn't always on our side, and   there are many times when we have to think smart, and quilt smart too. Combine steps,  cleverly choose matching  fabric backing and threads, and voila- build a quilt. I have never been the kind of quilter that just follows a pattern step by step. A lot of the joy of quilt making for me is in the individual approach  which includes the designing , the fabric choosing , the
construction. It is a process that should be enjoyable and also a learning experience. I was first
attracted to quilting because of the infinitive possibilities it offers and this still attracts me today. Something new is always just around the corner.

Happy sewing, Miriam x

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