Thursday 4 February 2016

Meandering is Marvelous!

Phew! Who else feels the pressure already this year?  ENOUGH I SAY!!!

I don't want to feel pressured this year with my creative endeavors. Our lives are brimming over with things that need doing, things that need fixing, pressures from family and friends, demands of work and so the list goes on. .... Time slips by and we loose the joy, calm  and peace that comes from our creative time. Relax. Pause for a while.  The world will not end if you do. In fact, the world will look a whole lot better if you do.

I don't know where the belief came  from that a busy, stressed life is a better life, a more worthy life, our best life.That belief is just wrong. I see quilters and sewers do this all the time. 

Slow down. 
It doesn't matter if you have several projects in progress.
There is no race.
 Dip in and out of projects. 
It's okay ! 
Be generous to yourself and you will find yourself being generous to others. 
Quilting is a precious process.
Enjoy it to the full.

You can be a wanderer. You may even surprise yourself by what you discover along the way. 

Happy sewing, love Meandering Miriam x

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