Friday 9 October 2015

A little Japanese Quilt

This week I have started work on a 22 inch square quilt using Japanese fabrics. I had a few 6 inch squares of Japanese fabrics, and using 1 1/2  inch and 2 inch strips cut from these squares I began.

In this small quilt, I have used the pineapple block as the central block. The block was made using foundation piecing to ensure precision piecing. 

I loved placing the leaping bunny in the centre. 

The pineapple just kept growing... 

The pineapple block is versatile , creating different effects , depending on your fabric placement. 

When the central block was finished I then started to add borders...

And borders...

And borders...

And more borders until  I was happy with the overall effect..

Lots of borders?? And all  mitred?? Well , actually no.

just made one mitred border by cleverly cutting  one striped Japanese fabric to create the illusion of many borders. Here is the fabric uncut.

That's a neat trick to keep in mind when you need to make a quilt quickly! 

Thank you for stopping by. You are always welcome ! 

Happy sewing, love Miriamx 

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