Thursday 1 October 2015

Pikelets Workshop - a Celebration of Talent!

When a group of talented ladies gets together and sets to a day of fun sewing, the results are always bound to impress. The ladies who joined me for the Pikelets workshop last week at Cottage Quiltworks   are all amazing. Grab a coffee, or tea and enjoy this celebration of their work. This is a long post, but how could I not share these with you all!

I love the way this pattern allows the quilter to make it their own, by the choice of fabrics and the combinations they create. You can build on these blocks and make the finished product as small or as large as you desire. In just one day, each of the ladies had made at least one 4 pikelet rosette covering all the techniques needed to continue on with a larger project. The more they make, the quicker the process will become. Another great thing about this technique is that it creates a fully reversible quilt. Read on, and you will see what I mean. How can  you choose  which side to show as the front, when both look so stunning. 

Helen B created beautiful pieces using a selection of grays and taupes.

The back ..

The front ...

Josephine chose to use a variety of bright prints with a dark focus fabric for contrast. The effect was stunning . Here is the front..

Here is the back . I don't know about you, but I think I like them equally, so this pattern is indeed a truly reversible one. 

Louise wanted to create a table runner for a friend using Japanese fabrics. She is well on the way to making a gorgeous one.

The front...

The back....

Sue  has started to use up her stash of 'ugly fabrics' and is turning them into a fabulous quilt. Just goes to show what a talented quilter can do with fabrics that might  otherwise be never used or tossed! Well done Sue.

From this...

To this ! Scrappy quilts are always so engaging to look at. I love them, and I love this one Sue.

Tula Pink is a favourite fabric designer of mine, and Nancy chose a variety of her fabrics, paired with a gentle batik to creat this for the back.

And this for the front

Just imagine how beautiful the quilt will be when finished.

Dee is a wonderful quilter, who doesn't know just how good she is. Take a look at the beautiful work she did in just one day!

Here are her fabrics. Great combinations Dee... 

Here is her block. First the front

And just sit back and admire the back

Helen bought in a selection of Balinese style fabrics. She chopped them up and created these beauties. There is something ethereal about soft, worn batiks that I just adore. Imagine a loved one snuggling under this quilt when finished.

The front 

The back..

I hope you have enjoyed reading this blogpost as much as I have enjoyed sharing it with you. Thank you Sue, Louise, Helen, Helen B , Dee , Nancy and Josephine for such an enjoyable workshop. You make me humbled and proud to be a teacher.  

A long post for a long weekend here in Australia!! While watching the finals of AFL and the NRL, I may just get a bit of hand sewing done. Hope you do too! 

Happy sewing , love Miriamx 

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